Personal injury settlements and lawsuits

Personal injury settlements and lawsuits

You can bring legal action against an individual or any party whose actions, whether accidental or on purpose, have resulted in some type of personal injury or injuries. In some personal injury cases, the injuries sustained may be serious and result in lifelong medical problems and/or a permanent disability. Whatever the circumstances, the purpose of filing a lawsuit for damages or monetary compensation is to help you pay for expenses that are the result of the accident or wrongdoing.

Undoubtedly, you’re going to have many questions concerning all of the legal ramifications involved in a personal injury claim. A good majority of claims involve personal injury settlement agreements between you, the plaintiff, and the defendant. In many cases, this depends upon the severity of the injuries and the amount of compensation you feel is appropriate for your particular situation.

This is when you need the services of an experienced personal injury attorney to help you decide whether it is appropriate to settle or sue. An attorney specializing in personal injury cases can negotiate a fair and reasonable settlement on your behalf or can file a lawsuit if a settlement cannot be reached.

In South Dakota, Rapid City attorneys, Gregory Yates and Michael Shubeck have more than 40 years of combined experience in personal injury litigation and have been successful in recovering millions of dollars for clients and their families as the result of settlements, jury verdicts, and awards. Both Mr. Yates and Mr. Shubeck keep up-to-date on any current changes in South Dakota’s or any federal laws governing personal injury cases.

Damages from your injury

Should you sue? That’s probably the number one question in your mind when you first meet with an attorney. Even though a negotiated settlement is often the outcome when you file a personal injury claim, in some cases it is necessary to file a lawsuit and have your case go to trial. One reason is that there is a significant difference between the valuation that your attorney has placed upon your case vs. that of the defendant.

Another more important concern is the severity of your injuries. Personal injury damages can include the reasonable cost of medical treatment including hospital bills, nursing care, and other related expenses. You can also receive compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages and impairment of your earning capacity as well as loss of consortium and mental suffering.

If you injuries are severe, your attorney may recommend filing a lawsuit for more damages than can be agreed upon through a negotiated settlement.

Navigating the court system

Your first visit to our offices is a free consultation. At that time we will thoroughly discuss your case, plan on how to proceed, and make you aware of any legal costs and fees involved.

If you are unsure of how to proceed with your claim, contact the law offices of South Dakota attorneys for personal injury, Greg Yates and Michael Shubeck. We have are committed to winning personal injury lawsuits and and getting you the compensation that you need.