Representing Rapid City proudly

Representing Rapid City proudly

In the State of the South Dakota, individuals who are injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of a party or parties can bring an action for physical and medical injuries. Damages from personal injury can include such things as pain and suffering, the cost of medical treatment, hospital, and rehab care, loss of income and future impairment of earning capacity as well as mental suffering.

Types of cases include:

  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Motor vehicle defects
  • Wrongful death
  • Serious car accidents
  • Product liability
  • Attorney malpractice
  • Motorcycle and truck accidents

At Rapid City Lawyers, we’re committed to rigorously fighting personal injury cases on the behalf of our clients and their families. Personal injury attorneys, Greg Yates and Michael Shubeck, have been representing Rapid City citizens in court for many years and have been at the center of several high profile cases. Between them, Mr. Yates and Mr. Shubeck have been responsible for recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for their clients.

In court and in the community

If you live in Rapid City or the surrounding area, and you need the services of a personal injury attorney, you can be sure that our firm will provide personalized and compassionate advice and counsel. We will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible results in your case and to make sure that you are fairly compensated whether it’s through a negotiated settlement, jury verdict, or awards. At Rapid City Lawyers, we care about our clients, and want to help them through the process of financial recovery.

Statistics show that about 95% of personal injury cases are settled pretrial with only 4-5% of cases actually going to trial. However, if your case is one that ends up going to trial, you need to be assured that you have enlisted the services of a court attorney; in other words, you need an attorney that has experience trying personal injury cases in court and has a track record of success.

Greg Yates and Michael Shubeck are considered to be some of the best lawyers in South Dakota. Both have years of experience when it comes to taking personal injury cases to trial.

Your legal rights

If you require legal help for a personal injury case, you want to choose the best attorneys in Rapid City for personal injury cases. Greg Yates and Michael Shubeck are very knowledgeable when it comes to the South Dakota laws pertaining to personal injury. Our firm has a proven track record for getting large and equitable awards for our clients.

Contact us to schedule your free legal consultation. Our goal is to make sure that justice is served for all of our clients.