Should you sue for personal injury?

Should you sue for personal injury?

If you have been involved in an incident and have sustained an injury(s) due to the negligence of another person or party, you may have a legal claim to bring a personal injury action. This allows you or your family to recover compensation for damages due to negligence, liability or even intentional harm on the part of a person(s) or other party.

In personal injury cases, the “burden of proof” falls on the person making the claim. As the plaintiff, you need to be able to prove that your accident and subsequent injuries were the direct result of negligence on the part of the defendant. Such evidence can include police and/or incident reports, eyewitness statements, medical records, and documentation from your employer about lost time and wages.

It can be a tricky proposition to determine whether or not you have the evidence needed to bring a lawsuit; in other words, is personal or commercial liability involved? So, it is in your best interest to engage the services of an experienced personal injury attorney who can help determine whether or not you have a valid claim and then can help you receive the highest compensation.

The Rapid City Law offices of Gregory Yates and Michael Shubeck can offer you personalized counsel as they work tirelessly on your behalf. With 30 years of litigation experience, Mr. Yates and Mt Shubeck are well-known for successfully litigating these types of cases throughout South Dakota.

Can you afford not to sue?

The purpose for filing a personal injury lawsuit is to recover monetary damages to pay for any expenses incurred as a result of your injury(s), especially if it’s serious, such as hospital and medical bills, the cost of physical therapy,and any long term medical care that may be necessary. Additionally, compensation can also cover the loss of time, earnings and/or an impairment of earning capacity and pain and suffering.

Greg Yates and Michael Shubeck both have the experience necessary to help you achieve the highest compensation to which you are entitled so you and your family will not have to bear the financial responsibility in the years to come.

Tell us about your case

If you are struggling with a decision about whether you should sue for a personal injury accident, call the offices of South Dakota attorneys Gregory Yates and Michael Shubeck and schedule a free consultation.

At that time, Mr. Yates or Mr. Shubeck will answer all your questions about whether or not you have valid legal case, and, if so, what you can expect as possible outcome which could be a negotiated settlement with insurance companies or a court trial. Attorney fees for this type of case are on a contingency basis which means that they are paid after a settlement has been reached.

Call the offices of Rapid City Law for assistance with your personal injury case.